Bad Things Happen When You Die without a Will
Are you in Texas? Who will get your stuff when you die? How long will it take for your heirs to receive your estate after your passing?
If you have ever asked yourself questions like these, then you should read this compact book. The answers to common questions about estates, whether large or small, complex or simple, may both surprise and alarm you. A big question to ask is what will happen to your estate if you die before you have a will prepared.
The book title should give you a strong hint: bad things happen when you die without a will, from passing on real estate or bank accounts to guardianship of minor children to making sure a spouse is cared for. Even the determination of who your heirs are can be in question when you die without a will.
Now available in Spanish. Click here to check it out!

A book is a dream you hold in your hand.
-Neil Gaiman